


2022-08-11   點擊:[]




2004.09-2009.07 邢台學院       物理     學士

2008.09-2011.07 内蒙古科技大學 凝聚态物理 碩士

2017.09-2023.12 内蒙古科技大學 礦業工程   博士


2011.09-2013.12 内蒙古科技大學 助教

2014.01-2017.12 内蒙古科技大學 講師

2018.01至今   内蒙古科技大學  副教授




[1] 礦冶固廢資源化開發耐磨耐腐蝕玻璃陶瓷的基礎及應用研究

[2] 功能玻璃陶瓷


[1] 内蒙古自然科學基金,2022LHMS050022022.01-2024.12,主持,在研

[2] 内蒙古自然科學基金,2018LH050212018.07-2020.12,主持,結題

[3] 内蒙古自治區高校科學研究項目,NJZY1582015.01-2017.12,主持,結題

[4] 内蒙古自治區直屬高校基本科研業務費項目,2023QNJS1242023.01-2025.12,主持,在研

[5] 伟德投注官网下载創新基金,2014QDL0422014.01-2016.12,主持,結題

[6] 伟德投注官网下载結餘資金項目,09030580022021.05-2023.05,主持,在研

[7] 伟德投注官网下载教改項目JY20230972023.01-2023.12,主持,在研

[8] 内蒙古自治區研究生科研創新項目,S20210159Z2021.12-2022.12,指導教師,結題

[9] 内蒙古自治區大學生科研創新項目,2024101270432024.06-2025.06,指導教師,在研


[1] 2012内蒙古科技大學“優秀共産黨員

[2] 2012年内蒙古科學技術進步一等獎

[3] 2020伟德投注官网下载創新創業優秀指導教師

[4] 2020年内蒙古自治區第六屆互聯網+大賽優秀指導教師

[5] 2022年伟德投注官网下载互聯網+大賽優秀指導教師

[6] 2022年伟德投注官网下载創新創業優秀指導教師

[7] 2024内蒙古科技大學“優秀共産黨員


[1] 一種用于不鏽鋼渣中重金屬Cr-Ni-Mn協同固化的方法2022.04.11202210386536.6.

[2] 一種原位合成FeSix透輝石複相金屬陶瓷及其制備方法,2021.02.23201810819837.7.

[3] 玻璃相中分布有納米晶體團簇的微晶玻璃及其制備方法,2017.06.27201510139877.3.

[4] 一種耐磨耐腐蝕礦渣微晶玻璃複合管材的制備方法,2017.05.24201510114869.3.

[5] 工業耐磨耐腐蝕微晶玻璃闆材及制備方法,2015.12.09201210336678.8.

[6] 雙池式電熔窯,2015.07.01201310158180.1.

[7] 一種工業耐磨耐腐蝕玻璃陶瓷複合彎管及制造方法,2015.05.20201310133364.2.

[8] 微波熱處理金尾礦制造低膨脹微晶玻璃的方法,2014.11.26201310067629.3. 

[9] 礦渣玻璃陶瓷管材與管件生産線,2014.11.05201420267406.1. 

[10] 試驗用電熔窯,2013.11.062013202318630.0. 




[1] Leibo Deng*, Linxing Gao Fu, et al.Effect of P2O5, ZrO2, and TiO2 on the crystallization behavior and light transmittance of cordierite transparent glass-ceramics, Opt. Mater. 138: 113661 (2023).

[2] Leibo Deng*, Bin Yao, Wenwei Lu, et al. Effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio on the crystallization and heavy metal immobilization of glass ceramics derived from stainless steel slag, J. Non-Cryst. Solid, 593: 121770 (2022).

[3] Leibo Deng*, Zhe Fu, Mingxing Zhang, et al. Crystallization, structure, and properties of TiO2-ZrO2 co-doped MgO-B2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 glass-ceramics, J. Non-Cryst. Solid, 575: 121217 (2022).

[4] Leibo Deng*, Bin Yao, Shuo Wang, et al. Structure and magnetic properties of Cr2O3 doped SiO2–B2O3–Fe2O3–Al2O3-Na2O glass–ceramics, Mater. Chem. Phys., 273: 125104 (2021).

[5] Leibo Deng*, Wenwei Lu, Zhen Zhang, et al. Crystallization behavior and structure of CaO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 glass ceramics prepared from Cr-bearing slag, Mater. Chem. Phys., 261: 124249 (2021).

[6] Bing Liang, Mingxing Zhang*, Hao Li, Ming Zhao, Pengfei Xu, Leibo Deng*(通訊作者), Preparation of ceramic foams from ceramic tile polishing waste and fly ash without added foaming agent, Ceram. Int., 47: 23338-23349 (2021).

[7] Hao Li, Zheyi Ying, Leibo Deng*(通訊作者), et al. Effect of SiO2/Al2O3 ratio on the structure and electrical properties of MgO–Al2O3–SiO2 glass-ceramics doped with TiO2, Mater. Chem. Phys., 256: 123653 (2020).

[8] Leibo Deng, Shuo Wang, Zhen Zhang, et al. The viscosity and conductivity of the molten glass and crystallization behavior of the glass ceramics derived from stainless steel slag, Mater. Chem. Phys., 251: 123159 (2020).

[9] Leibo Deng, Ruidong Jia, Fei Yun, et al. Influence of Cr2O3 on the viscosity and crystallization behavior of glass ceramics based on blast furnace slag, Mater. Chem. Phys., 240: 122212 (2020).

[10] Leibo Deng, Fei Yun, Ruidong Jia, Hao Li, et al. Effect of SiO2/MgO ratio on the crystallization behavior, structure, and properties of wollastonite-augite glass ceramics derived from stainless steel slag, Mater. Chem. Phys., 239: 122039 (2020).

[11] Leibo Deng, Fei Yun, Ruidong Jia, Hao Li, et al. Relationship between thermophysical properties and structure of CMAS glass melts based on chromium slag, Mater. Res. Express, 7: 025201 (2020).

[12] Leibo Deng, Mingxing Zhang, Xiaolin Jia, et al. Structure and properties of in situ synthesized FeSi2-diopside glass ceramic composites from Bayan Obo tailings, blast furnace slag, and fly ash, J. Alloys Compd., 785: 932-943 (2019).

[13] Ruidong Jia, Leibo Deng*(通訊作者), F Yun, H Li, et al. Effects of SiO2/CaO ratio on viscosity, structure, and mechanical properties of blast furnace slag glass ceramics, Mater. Chem. Phys., 233: 155-162 (2019). 

[14] Hongxia Li, Leibo Deng, et al. Evidence for non-thermal microwave effect in processing of tailing-based, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 39: 1389-1396 (2019).

[15] Zhiheng Tang, Mingxing Zhang, Jianli He, Xioalin Jia, Leibo Deng. Effect of SiC content on viscosity and thermal properties of foam ceramic prepared from molybdenum tailings, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 513: 15-23 (2019).

[16] Yajing Han, Xiaolin Jia, Fang Liu, Leibo Deng. Effect of Cr2O3 content on high-temperature dielectric properties and crystallization of CMAS glass-ceramics, Mater. Res. Express, 6: 075213 (2019).

[17] Hongxia Li, Leibo Deng, et al. Microwave-assisted processing of graded structural tailing glass-ceramics, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 38: 2632-2638 (2018).

[18] Leibo Deng, Mingxing Zhang. Effect of CaF2 on viscosity, structure and properties of CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2 slag glass ceramics, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 500: 310-316 (2018).

[19] Leibo Deng, Xiaolin Jia, Mingxing Zhang, et al. Influence of crucible material on the microstructural and properties of CAMS glass-ceramics, J. Wuhan Univ. Technol., 33: 49-55 (2018).

[20] Leibo Deng, Xiaolin Jia, Xuebo Liu, et al. Preparation and corrosion behavior of glass-ceramics tubes made of Bayan Obo tailings and fly ash. Int. J. Appl. Ceram. Technol., 12: E41-E48 (2015).

[21] Leibo Deng*, Xiaolin Jia, et al. Structure and performance of glass–ceramics obtained by Bayan Obo tailing and fly ash. J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 380: 103-108 (2013).

[22] 鄧磊波, 張明星, 哲一, . 熔制保溫時間對CAMS系礦渣微晶玻璃結構與性能的影響. 材料導報, 31(9): 125-130 (2017). EI

[23] 鄧磊波, 賈曉林, 張明星, . CaF2CAMS系礦渣微晶玻璃析晶特性及抗腐蝕性能的影響. 材料導報, 30(9): 128-133 (2016). EI

[24] 鄧磊波, 賈曉林, 張明星, . 熔制坩埚對CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2系礦渣微晶玻璃結構與性能的影響. 人工晶體學報, 44(11): 3133-3139 (2015). EI

[25] 付哲, 姚彬, 李浩, 張美榮, 鄧磊波*(通訊作者). MgO-Al2O3-SiO2系透明玻璃陶瓷研究進展[J]. 矽酸鹽通報, 41(8): 2910-2917 (2022). (核心)

[26] 沈月, 周亞輝, 賈璐, 賈路瑤, 李浩, 姚彬, 鄧磊波*(通訊作者). 利用不鏽鋼渣制備微晶玻璃的研究進展[J]. 矽酸鹽通報, 43(1): 347-353 (2024). (核心)


上一條:劉佳 下一條:陳華

