2011年8月-2021年12月 河套學院數學與計算機系;
(2)主持國家自然科學基金委員會,國家自然科學基金數學天元基金項目,項目編号:12126505,數學哲學元素的挖掘與河套地區數學文化傳播,2022-01-01至2022-12-31 , 10萬元;
(1) 2015年6月獲内蒙古自治區高等院校第九屆青年教師教學技能大賽本科院校自然科學基礎組二等獎,内蒙古自治區教科文衛工會
(2) 2023年内蒙古自治區教師教學創新大賽一等獎(副高組),2023年2月
(3) 2022年大學數學和研究生數學類課程思政優秀教學案例一等獎,教育部大學數學課程虛拟教研室,2022年11月
(4) 2022年伟德投注官网下载第二屆課程思政教學比賽一等獎,2022年9月
(5) 2023年伟德投注官网下载教師教學創新大賽一等獎,2023年2月
(6) 2024年被評為包頭市教育系統“鹿城教壇先鋒”。
(1)Hu Jiayuan, Chen Zhuoyu. On distribution properties of cubic residues[J]. AIMS Mathematics, 2020, V5(6): 6051–6060.(SCI)
(2)Hu Jiayuan. A Note on the Fourth Power Mean of The Generalized 3-dimensional Kloosterman Sums[J]. Advances In Mathematics(CHINA), 2021,50(02):309-314.
(3)Hu Jiayuan, Zhan Yu. Pythagorean triples and quadratic residues modulo an odd prime. AIMS Mathematics, 2021,7(1): 957–966. (SCI)
(4)Hu Jiayuan, Zhan Yu, Si Qin. A Hybrid Power Mean Involving the Dedekind Sums and Cubic Gauss Sum. Journal of Mathematics, 2021, Article ID 7003549, 7 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/7003549(SCI)
(5)Hui Bai, Jiayuan Hu, On the classical Gauss sum and the recursive properties[J]. Advances in Difference Equations, 2018. 10, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-018-1804-7. (SCI)(通訊作者)
(6)Hui Bai, Jiayuan Hu. The error term of the fourth power mean of the generalized cubic Gauss sums[J]. Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie,V63 (111):2020, Issue no. 2.:131-138. (SCI)(通訊作者)
(7)Hu Jiayuan, Zhang Wenpeng. On Levine-O’Sullivan’s Sequence and Its Conjecture[J]. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 2016, 32(8):961-966.(SCI)
(8)Hu Jiayuan, Li Xiaoxue. On the generalized Ramanujan-Nagellequation x^2 + q^m = cn with q^r + 1 = 2c^2[J]. Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie,2017,V60 (108) No. 3:257-265. (SCI)
(9)Hu Jiayuan. On the Fourth Power Mean of the Kloosterman Sums mod p[J].Advances In Mathematics(CHINA), 2017, V46(6): 867-874 (CSCD)
(10)Hu Jiayuan,Zhan Han. A conjecture concerning primitive Pythagoren triple[J]. International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics,2014,Vol,52,Issue No.7:38-42 (EI)
(11)Yu Yahui, Hu Jiayuan. On the generalized Ramanujan-Nagell equation x^2+(2k-1)^y=k^z with k≡3(mod4) [J]. AIMS Mathematics,2021(SCI)通訊作者
(12)Yu Yahui, Hu Jiayuan. On the Distribution Properties of the Smarandache Prime Part[J]. Journal of Mathematics,2021. (SCI)通訊作者
(13)Zhang Wenpeng,Hu Jiayuan,The hybrid power mean of three-term character sums and two-term exponential sums,Bull. Math. Soc. Sci. Math. Roumanie,2017,60(108), No.2:173-180. (SCI)
(14)Zhang Wenpeng, Hu Jiayuan.The number of solutions of the diagonal cubic congruence equation mod p. MATHEMATICAL REPORTS,2018,V20(7),No.1: 73-80(SCI)
(15)Zhang Wenpeng, Hu Jiayuan. On the high-th power mean of one kind general Kloostermansums[J]. Revista De La Real Academia De Ciencias Exactas Físicas Y Naturales.serieA.matemáticas, 2017.10: 1-8, DOI: 10.1007/s13398-017-0459-7." (SCI)
(16) 呼家源,李小雪. Diophantine方程x~3+8=py~2有本原正整數解的必要條件[J].西南大學學報(自然科學版),2017,V39(2): 50-54.
(17)呼家源,秦偉.一個包含Smarandache Ceil函數的對偶函數及Euler函數的方程及其可解性[J].西北大學學報(自然科學版),2013,V43(3):54-56.
(18) 呼家源,李小雪. Diophantine方程x^2+2^m=y^n的全部解[J].數學的實踐與認識,2015.12, 45(24):291-296.
(19)呼家源,白慧.關于Legendre多項式和Chebyshev多項式的幾個組合公式[J].内蒙古師範大學學報(自然科學漢文版), 2015, V44(5): 586-589.
(20)呼家源,李小雪.滿足ω(D)≤3的Diophantine方程組x+1=6Dy~2, x~2-x+1=3z~2[J].鄭州大學學報(理學版),2016.9, V48(3): 43-46.
(21)Wang Xiao, Hu Jiayuan. An identity involving the integral of the first kind Chebyshev polynomials[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,V2018, Article ID 7186940, 5 pages:https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/7186940 (SCI)(通訊作者)
(22)Li Xiaoxue, Hu Jiayuan. The hybrid power mean of quartic Gauss sums and Kloosterman sum[J]. Open Mathematics, 2017, 15(1): 151-156 (SCI)(通訊作者)
(23) Hu Jiayuan,Some New Identities Related to Dedekind Sums Modulo a Prime.Journal of Mathematics,2024:1-9. https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/8844153